Saturday, June 6, 2009

pretty things

shannon and i went to the international gem & jewelry fair today.
there were so many pretty things - stones, beads, gems. just lovely.
while we wanted to buy everything, we barely reigned ourselves in and bought what we could.
i can't wait to see what shannon comes up with!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

at the boardwalk postcards

I had my favorite photos from our boardwalk outing made into postcards. Now everyone can send their friends/family a little bit of summer in the mail.
You can get yours in our Etsy shop now.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

boardwalk fun

i took a trip with some friends to the santa cruz beach boardwalk today. we had tons of mindless fun and i was able to snap a few pics. those are my favorites

Monday, March 30, 2009

f2images photography

i am in love with the photography for sale at f2images etsy shop.
the one above is by far my favorite and i am looking for new art to buy to hang on the walls in my freshly painted hallway. i'm afraid the photo might be 'too gray' since i painted the hallway a fairly mid-gray color. i'm sure i can find something else from f2images that will be perfect.
be sure to check out the gorgeous photographs.